Saturday, June 8, 2019

Combs Ferry Farm

My pastel class will be doing plein air demonstrations during the reception for our exhibit at the Harkness Edwards Vineyards which is out in Clark County. When we drove out to see the vineyards I spotted on the distant horizon this farm and I loved the rhythm of the big barns as their roofs shone in the setting sunlight. When I work on a new piece I try to form in my mind what is it that attracts me to this scene when there's lots of land and fields in the distance - why this spot?

Reference photo - Combs Ferry Farm

Sketch in basic shapes with pastel pencil 
Block in lights and darks with NuPastels

Wash in pastel with rubbing alcohol. This will set the underpainting.

After alcohol dries, start blocking in shadow colors

Block in the light colors but keep the first layer darker than the expected later layers

Continue adding color keeping in mind the values as they appear next to each other, which is the only way to truly see colors - how they appear next to each other.

Final layers of lights and shadows. Is it successful in expressing what I was excited about when I first spotted the barns? If not, do another one, learning from the first one.

1 comment:

  1. Very helpful to improve my plan for final result. I appreciate your step by step strategy which I seldom do myself.
